Wednesday 16 May 2012

Truth and Pain

Truth is love, Pain is real
Smiles are false, Veils, conceal
Black ink stains the white
Masked in red with vivid hue
The presence deceives
With Absence it feeds.

Friday 11 May 2012

How Can You?

How do you ignore me so plainly? Does your heart not ache every day?
How can you go through this pregnancy without any input from me, not even in the slightest?
It's hard enough to think you loved me, even harder to see how cold you are now. Almost impossible to think there was ever anything else...

I just wish you would still talk to me,let me see you. All I can keep telling myself, what keeps me going, is the thought that you still love me so much the only way you stop yourself from letting me back in, is to keep me far away.
I just want to give up the world for you every day.
I'll apologize for looking at you with even the slightest lapse in attention. I could stare at you for days on end. As odd as it may seem, I really love and miss your family. Hell I miss my own these days!
I want to give you all those things you want from a boy, I want to take only what you are ready to give. I want to wake next to you and say I love you before I even say good morning. I want to sit in a crowd and point from a distance and say "THAT'S my WIFE"

I want to stand before you and talk, about life. I want to stand tall beside you to announce our life together.

If I can't stand with you, I would rather lay silently alone forever.

It really is, for me, a case of nothing else matters.

I'm not saying I need you to survive,I'm just saying there's no point without you.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Hearts Journey

So soft, so supple
Mere reflection in ice
So cold, so firm
Yet shattered and Sharp
Staring forlorn
Jagged and torn
Set it alight, Let it burn
Bury the ashes
Settle the score
It's too hard to care anymore

Thursday 3 May 2012

I didn't fail, you gave up.

I thought our love was strong. I knew u were. I didn't realize u were so much stronger than our love. Don't blame my choices for our pain. Ultimately, this has been about your decisions not mine. Honestly I thought we were mature enough to get through this.

Wednesday 4 January 2012


Oh the pain of silence.
Choices once made can echo the ages... or be forgotten.
But when you choose to forget your choice, whilst pain is witness, the grip only tightens.
Think long and hard before you take that turn, for some roads are one way.